Yoga Teacher Training Course Review – 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training @ The Tipi, Koh Phangan Thailand.
Special thanks to Student and new teacher graduate, Keiu, for her loving and honest review.
How was your YTTC?
In one word, great; in lots of words like I could go and it was amazing it was so much more than I expected it took so much more out of me than I also expected which was a good thing because I also got to learn some things about me um what I’m capable of and and that I Can kind of get through even if it gets tough so that was like a big big thing for me and uh and and that’s why I also like the graduation like getting through it felt that much sweeter because it was so tough especially like the last week um on top I mean like physically because um like like training six six days a week suddenly when I didn’t do it as much before was like a big change for me and also like mentally a lot of information that you have to like uh um remember and stuff so it just felt like it was quite a lot but super amazing like I am like a fan of George like I just can’t believe this guy is like amazing like I signed up for it like kind of knew like yeah it’s like it’s called this experience and and my friend recommended him because her friend also took George’s course A couple of years ago so that’s how I kind of find him and like I knew it was good but oh my God it’s really good like it’s really really good it’s like the best the best the best teacher really like honestly I’m so happy no regrets whatsoever just loved it.
Tell us about your practice before YTTC.
So before the course my yoga experience was um like sort of random like I would practice like that would be like self practice at home every day so that was but like it wasn’t like yoga yoga for me it was kind of like just moving my body, however I felt like so I didn’t like know about the like specific poses like I wasn’t following any sequence or any of that stuff I was just like doing it myself and then like just taking like random irregular like classes here and there wherever I would be and like just sometimes how I felt so I guess like little like compared to maybe some other people who like go weekly or like many times a week so I guess my experience was very little it was more like um yoga kinda of course we laugh with the Lou and George at the course like yoga kind of found me other than I would then go looking for it it kind of like just took over um and then I just got more and more like curious about it because like it always made me feel super nice and then I just wanted to learn about the like because I’m really into like health and wellness and fitness I wanted to know like like the physical stuff like anatomy and like what are the poses why are we doing them why am I in this crazy positions what’s happening in my body and all that stuff so I kind of wanted to know that also and just thinking the teacher trainings just felt like super comprehensive in that sense so that’s what I wanted to like learn and practice like for my own practice mostly.
What did you find surprising about this course?
For sure the anatomy part like physically all the like joints and muscles and how different poses and like asanas actually like affect your health like your health and like your mindset will support physically like like your digestion and your strength and stuff like that I also didn’t know that doing just doing yoga you can actually like get bitter like like like you can have like muscles and you can tone up like a lot so that was like surprising because it looks like very slow paced and like chill but it’s really like it takes a lot of strength like physically and mentally like to to be in those poses and and to do them um yeah it looks a lot easier watching someone do yoga than actually doing it um yeah and and just like kinda noticing the the change in my own mind and body during the four weeks was kind of interesting also because like just becoming like more flexible and stronger and also how my mindset or my thinking is affecting the way how long I can be like in a pose um it’s just like yeah it’s just kind of noticing my own patterns and thinking and how much that affects my my life and like my performance that was huge but also like all them like the yoga philosophy and the mantras and the meditation like just experiencing that morning meditation and the mantras and stuff it’s like I don’t know what they do like specifically but like they changed me like I just love the morning practice the meditation and the breath work and then the Asana and I just leave like a whole different person here every morning so huge huge change like really interesting stuff.
How has YTTC @ TIpi Thailand changed your practice?
uh so my practice now versus before the course I guess um I feel a lot more confident
Um like doing like the yoga sequence is like let’s say like in the beginning like the first week when George would say like okay let’s do like five minutes self practice I was like super self-conscious and I was like oh my God I don’t know what I’m doing I’m gonna look stupid but now I’m kind of like just feel like calm and confident I’m just like oh just go do my thing so confidence for sure I feel like I like I know a little bit like about the poses and what they’re supposed to feel like and look like and how I’m supposed to be in them like like an all the stuff that I’ve learned I can now like confidently put into use um so yeah confidence is a huge thing but also I feel like I’ve got like better alignment and strength and yeah like I’m a lot more like a lot more interested in yoga than it was before I was interested before but now I’m like crazy I’m like I want to know more so yeah that’s really interesting so definitely I just want to keep this going and see how because four weeks is not a long time so I’m like curious to see what happens to me if I keep this up for two three months six months I don’t know a year let’s see like what happens to my mind and my body if I just keep doing it very interesting so I signed up for the course with the intention just to like learn the thing from my own practice I didn’t really have a plan to become a teacher um I still feel like I’m probably not going to be like George like teaching regularly lessons and stuff but having to give the couple of lessons that we did last week as part of the course and like um it was like a confidence like a self trust or self-belief and self-confidence workout for me which I’m lacking and I just really for like that could be useful so I know like you guys have asked me to like if I could do like on Fridays maybe some more lessons and uh like last week I was like no way I don’t want to just don’t get through the class what did I have to do to pass but I don’t want to do it but now I’m kind of thinking like maybe I could um and maybe I could so I’m thinking about it probably will do it um again like I still don’t have the intention of becoming a teacher but I just feel like it’s like the feeling after is amazing like uh like just putting myself through it it’s like like a confident gym for me it’s a muscle that needs to be worked on for it to uh get stronger so I want to practice but also was really cool like going through the lesson when you give the lesson and you see people’s faces they just look like like they just have a face on like um George said it’s because they’re like very focused and they’re not aware of their facial expression but like I’ve never seen people like uh face to face doing yoga and they just look kind of like this is like like a little confused or like it’s just like it’s strange but then afterwards they come to you and they’re like it was great I loved it and I was like really you didn’t look like it but yeah the feedback afterwards was super nice and it was really nice to like connect with people and hear the stories because they come and tell you like like I’m like uh I’ve been thinking about starting yoga again and I want to come here again and like that was really cool to hear like the connection part was awesome awesome so yeah I might try it again.
What did you find Challenging?
Yeah, so the teaching part was challenging for me because I was like so scared and I was like I’m not used to it and just putting myself in front of people and then like having to sort of perform in front of someone especially when someone in the back of the room is taking notes and like judging your performance it’s like it’s nerve-wracking um so that was the thing but um I guess physically keeping up was was a bit challenging for me also but like that is totally different for everyone depending on their Fitness level and their habits and stuff so yeah for me it was uh was a little like first two weeks for sure was like a little tough to keep up I was like by the end of the week I was just like oh my God my body is like exhausted and then third week I was like I think I’m getting stronger because it’s like Thursday and I’m fine that was interesting that’s when I noticed I was like I think I’m getting stronger that was cool and uh yeah and this week also like I feel a little like fatigue here and there but like I can like keep it up so it’s just the first two weeks when I was like yeah um so yeah I guess the physically the fitness level and then the confidence the teaching part there were like two biggest challenges for me.
Any words for those who aren’t sure if they’re ready?
For people who might have the similar fear of like uh like if they’re gonna be able to keep this up Fitness wise for sure um George is amazing first of all like he does ask and uh and he um even though like he has a plan for the week he’s always like accommodating depending on how we feel so there were like days when he had planned something else but then looking at us too with Lou and he was like I think today we’re gonna like go a little slow so he does change and he does like he asks um how we are and sometimes he’s asking like how do you feel today what would you like to work on today so like uh so we get to say like you know like super tired on the legs maybe we do something here so that helps also George is like so open and welcoming and you can just always just go and speak to him like whatever stuff he got going on so there’s nothing to worry about really like and even if you just like dead and it’s just honestly feel like you can’t or you’ve got pain or injuries whatever then you know we can always like um work around it like you can just come and observe for the day or just talk it out or like there’s solutions for sure so yeah always listen to your body but just know that you are stronger then you think you are often and even though I had like some days when I was just like like I can’t I could you know I can so even if you think you can’t sometimes you can but uh important to also like listen and the just um accordingly and adapts to the circumstances
Did you enjoy your 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training?
Yeah Tipi – like amazing place I’m doing our graduation ceremony we had the fire pucha the fire ceremony I couldn’t even like speak with dogs we were like crying so much such a special place I feel I’m just like knowing a bit about the Tipping story and the people here and like Skye and Fern and everyone else and Jamie it’s just the biggest fan such a cozy Place fun welcoming warm kind this feels like home you know so yeah it’s very like cozy home like included welcoming feeling show recommending I like to talk to people like on the island when I meet them about the yoga course and stuff and they’re like so where are you doing it oh it’s a TV and they’re like is it good there yes go you guys go so yeah I do like mentioned the Tipi around also so big fun
Good I mean just do it you’ll always like I don’t like can’t regret it I mean I can’t think of anything uh anything about this course that would be like oh you know um that wasn’t good or that wasn’t good it was way better than I expected and I don’t George is like freaking amazing like super amazing best yoga teacher like ever so I don’t like I don’t know I would love to hear like um if anybody has like a like a worries and like they want to speak to a previous student where you can contact me and like I can help you maybe address some of the doubts they might have.
Any words for anyone still unsure about the course?
just do the course like um Lou was the same before like signing up people were telling her like um um
You you become so close with the people you’re on the course with first of all are you’re going to make great friends because you you like collectively going through something super special and and also challenging and that like makes you like uh like really closely connect with the people you’re there and you’re gonna learn like so much about yourself which was like the coolest thing like stuff is gonna come up it’s gonna come up but it should and it’s a good thing and and you’re going to work through them and you just become so much like better and stronger and more confident and knowledgeable and and excited and you know just do it just do it go for it yeah life is like life is for doing stuff just do it!